Change Your Beliefs.

It’s super uber scary to face your fears head on and make yourself vulnerable to feel those dark & ugly things you may have been stuffing down or escaping for years or even decades. BUT – if you don’t like who you are. And you want to change. And what you are doing clearly isn’t working for you anymore – you have to CHOOSE to change.

Here is a little activity….Examine your beliefs.

1. What are your beliefs?
2. What do you believe about yourself?
3. Are these beliefs things people have told you that you are in the past?
4. Are these beliefs ideas that YOU have convinced YOURSELF of based on your own judgement of others?
5. What do you believe about health, nutrition, fitness?
6. What do you believe “healthy” looks like?
7. What do you believe about people who have fat?
8. What do you believe about people who don’t have fat?
9. What do you believe about food? Do you moralize food into “good” and “bad”?
10. Are any of your beliefs supported and true?

Have you ever considered that you can CHANGE your beliefs? Guess what!  You TOTALLY can.  You will only get beyond who you are today if you change your beliefs.we cannot become who we want to be by remaining who we are


Release Retreat Review

Thank you to The Bra Lounge for sponsoring this event!  Thank you ALSO to The Art of Lauren Cowles for her contribution of the beautiful art pieces.release4

We laughed.  We listened.  We cried.  We shared stories.  We lifted each other up.  We comforted each other.  We swore.  #LittleAsshole

There was a point mid-day when I sat at the back of the room observing, choking back tears.  I was so proud of the positive energy and comfort we had created.  Mission accomplished.  The day was perfect.

We had attendees complete a short little survey at the end of the day.  Out of 16 guests, 12 ranked the full day retreat as “Freaking Awesome”.

Here are some of the things they had to say:

“I really enjoyed the retreat.  It gave me different ideas of how to cope and what I still need to work on.”  ~ Anonymous

“This was fantastic.  Thank you for putting your hard work into creating this retreat.  Thank you for being vulnerable and allowing others a change to grow.” ~ Anonymous

“I *pink puffy heart* you all.  This was an amazing and uplifting day.  I loved sharing it with everyone and left feeling lighter than when I arrived.  Thank you.” ~ Tina, Red Deer, AB

“You both are amazing and inspiring thank you so much for having this day.  I am really working on being a more positive person and you are both so awesome.” ~ Billie-Jo McKinley, Red Deer, AB

“Thank you ladies for an awesome day!  I feel energized and re-focused!” ~ Anonymous

“I am so glad I made the quick decision to attend.  I don’t usually do these kinds of things and if I would have thought about it I would have talked myself out of it.  You provided a great, safe environment.  I was never afraid to share my ideas or stores and never felt judged.” ~ Anonymous

“Perfect “class” size.  Wouldn’t suggest many more.  It was a great day to think about myself.  I really feel I am ready to be my more authentic self.” ~ Jenni Dunkeld

“Thank you so much to all the presenters” ~ Anonymous

“Thank you so much for putting in the time & energy it took to put this together!!  Many congratulations on a well organized day!” ~ Claire Weisse, Red Deer

They loved the Yoga!  They loved the Psychic Cowgirl!  They loved Kelly Tibbet’s 21 Steps! They loved the venue.  They want more!  And we are going to deliver! 

Stay tuned for our next #ReleaseRetreat date!  Follow our Facebook Fan Page to be inspired AND stay up to date with new and exciting events.

**If you or your business is interesting in being involved in our next #ReleaseRetreat please email us:**








Feature Story – Heidi’s Success Story

I can honestly say that I did not realize how much weight I was packing on. Yes I felt uncomfortable in my clothes and yes the size of my pants was getting larger but I didn’t own a scale and I didn’t feel large. All of my adolescent life I was an athlete. I played basketball and volleyball, ran track and field and played soccer. I never thought about my body, or my weight. However looking back at this time in my life I can see where my negative food habits began. I was never a big eater. As my mom was a working mom when I was young and then a single mom when I was in high school, I was in charge of making my own lunch for as long as I can remember. The trouble is… that I did not make it. So, I would go long days without eating anything and then go to a hard practice. Once my coach realized what was happening I was under strict orders to eat and I had to write down what I ate. If I did not eat enough I was not allowed to play. I started to eat more, but I was burning it off quickly. I worked and ate at McDonalds for 5 years of my adolescence and I was still able to maintain my body weight.  Until I stopped playing organized sports.

For the past 8 years, I have slowly gained weight. At 5 feet 11, I was 247 pounds and started the first HCG diet which I had found by searching the internet. Although I lost 15 pounds on the HCG, I felt terrible the whole time. I was starving, had little to no energy and felt dizzy most of the time.  As I researched HCG products on the web more, I came to realize that there was very little HCG in the actual product I was using. I went in search of the real thing and found a weight loss clinic offering HCG injections. I signed up December 31 of 2013 weighing 233 pounds. I lost 30 pounds in 40 days. I found the injections managable, and I felt good on the protocol.  However, I struggled through maintenance. Going up and down, having a steak day for +2 pounds of a gain and being totally obsessed with the scale. I wanted to do the protocol again. I found Goodbye my Muffintop through searching for an alternative to the expensive, painful injections.  I spoke with Marriann and I ordered the starter package.

After releasing more weight on the protocol (and feeling fantastic while doing it) I started the dreaded maintenance phase. Of course I also started obsessing. During one of my frantic emails, Marriann simply said “STOP weighing yourself. TRUST yourself and YOUR body.” I listened to Marriann. I stopped obsessing. I ate when I was hungry and I stopped when I was full. This changed me. It has profoundly affected me so much that I want to share what I have learned with the world.

I have started training for a sprint triathlon because I wanted to, not because I want to prove that I am still an athlete. I have lost a total of 60 pounds in a year. At my heaviest I wore a size 21 pants and I am now wearing a size 14-15.

I want to be a Release Coach so that I can help as many people as I can who are struggling  with their weight and who possibly are not aware as to why they are struggling. If my story relates to you or you would just like to talk about the protocol, please reach out and contact me.



Body Lovin’ Work in Progress


There is no question, this protocol is an effective way to release weight.  I have seen success hundreds of times now.  Some people easily maintain their new weight and move on with their body-loving-life participating in self-lovin’ daily fitness & continuing to nourish their bodies with good wholesome foods.  However, some people don’t sail away so smoothly.  Beautiful you will have to keep doing protocols and releasing the same 15-20 lbs UNLESS you deal with your demons, triggers, whatever you want to call those silly things that convince you to eat food, without the feeling of hunger.  Whatever “program” you choose to do, you will have to continue doing it to maintain your weight, unless you put a STOP to your dieting mentality.  If you are sick of dieting, you first have to consciously recognize that it is socially acceptable to diet.  Most everyone around you is dieting.  Only YOU can stop it, by firstly changing your mentality around it.
These silly little dieting “things” can be so different for each individual person.  Sometimes it is a body image issue, a self-love issue, an emotional issue…whatever the case may be.  You need to pin-point it.  Stare it in the face and tell “IT” you aren’t playing this game anymore.  Yo-yo-ing with your weight and worrying about it all the time is a time killing, life wasting venture.  Our protocol for one, is an excellent opportunity to pin-point your “IT”.  …That being said…DON’T beat yourself up, go into hiding, be ashamed if you deviated or swayed from our protocol, or any other regime.  TELL US.  We want to help you, if you want to help yourself.  I am a work in progress.  You are a work in progress.  WE ALL are a work in progress.
What is your intention for starting any weight loss program?  Is it solely to release weight and look a certain way?  Fit in a certain size?  Are you punishing/depriving yourself after a binge?  Want to make the scale tell you a certain number? Before you begin, always question your intention.  Maybe you need help figuring this out…you know, sorting it all out in your head.  Ask us for help!
I have said it before and I will say it again.  TURN OFF as many of those people, places or things that feed your pretty little mind ideas that you are only as worthy as the way your body looks.  You are beautiful, YOU!  Beauty comes from your SOUL.  And starts with LOVING YOURSELF.  The first step to successful weight maintenance is loving your body now.  What makes you think you will love yourself 30 lbs from now, if you don’t love yourself now?
If you have questions I lovingly welcome them here:

Feature Story – Jenni’s Success Story


Jenni May 2013 to September 2013

I have always been unhappy with the number on the scale. Always.

I can honestly remember being 11 and being disappointed with myself. Also, I can not recall a time where I didn’t eat emotionally. Good days were celebrated with high calorie yummies. Bad days were capped off with a greasy bowl of ‘feelings’.

I would go through healthy phases where I would hit the gym regularly and eat cleaner, only to see the scale move down and immediately reward myself with a junk food binge. Just once is usually all it took to derail myself and I would soon find me back to where I started. I graduated college with about 20 extra pounds, I met my husband and 5 years, 3 beautiful babies and 50 extra pounds later, I hated myself for getting this overweight. Cap that with a husband who worked out of town and keeping 3 children alive I was emotionally and physically beat. Eating feelings became a daily event.

Last January I was desperate. I bought a treadmill on sale and vowed that I would get my act together. My days were so long that exercising after the kids were in bed was not an option. Instead, I would set my kids up with a movie and toys but I still couldn’t get more than 10 minutes in without one of them needing my attention. This of course stressed me out causing the consumption of more feelings.

I had met Kelly and Marriann thru social media and thought highly of them both. They seemed like such happy and positive women that always had something wonderful to share. One day I clicked on Kelly’s profile link and found the Goodbye My Muffintop Inc. website.

I had heard of hCG before and honestly, at the time all I cared about is the part where you release weight fast. When I sat down with Kelly, she talked about how herself and others were able to free themselves from the cycle of emotional eating and dieting. This was the first time I realized how bad my emotional eating was.

Because I was still nursing my baby, I had to wait a couple months to start protocol. I paid attention to what and when I ate and couldn’t believe how often I ate out of habit/emotion and not hunger.

In May of 2013 I started my first round of protocol. I knew it would be rough. I had 2 of my kid’s birthdays as well as a huge long distance move to power thru while I was on protocol, meaning that I would not be able to have any birthday cake or reach for that bag of chips to calm my nerves.

Even though I was told what to expect I was absolutely floored to see I’d released 13 pounds in the first week of protocol. At the end of the first round I was down 30lbs and I’d successfully relocated to another town without even eating one crumb of feelings. To me, that gave me just as much satisfaction as the weight I had released.

During my second round, I found I had so much extra energy I had to do something to burn it off. My husband suggested I go for a run. I laughed at him. I used to have “only running while being chased” policy, but to my surprise, I loved it, and I have now adopted running as a hobby.

My other surprise this round was celebrating my 30th birthday without food, and not being remotely sad about it. I really didn’t miss it. Instead I took a garbage bag of clothing that were too big for me to goodwill and bought myself my very first pair of skinny jeans. And honestly, the way that made me feel beat the way a big chunk of cake would of made me feel.

That feeling is the reason I wanted to become a release coach. I feel so strongly about this program and I think everybody has the right to feel this way about themselves. I’m really looking forward to walking beautiful people through this journey of releasing pounds and the discovery of self love that comes with it.

My journey isn’t over yet but after 2 rounds of protocol, I have released 50 lbs and 60 inches (including 10 inches around my abdomen!!) but more importantly gained a huge amount of confidence and self love and I no longer see physical activity and clean eating as a punishment for letting myself get fat, instead I truly enjoy it and I see it as a reward.

I’ve never been so happy to be me and CANNOT wait to share more of this journey with others!